As an active burial ground, Historic Congressional Cemetery is well acquainted with death. But just what is a Death Café?
Death Café is a global movement facilitating thoughts and discussion about the often taboo subject of death, It’s a intimate informal gathering to discuss death while eating cake and drinking tea. It has no agenda other than providing a safe space to have an open ended conversation.
Please join us for our Historic Congressional Cemetery Death Cafés on the 2nd Tuesdays of every other month starting in February from 6:00 PM- 7:30 PM in our historic chapel. Tickets are free and are available for reservation approximately one month prior to the event date on the 2nd Tuesday of the off month. For example, tickets for the Tuesday February 7 Death Cafe are available for reservation on Tuesday, January 10.
We will have a rotating slate of individuals from the local death positive community to moderate the event. Complimentary refreshments will be served but we ask that you consider brining a food or beverage item to share with the group. A $5 donation, to help cover event costs, is also welcome but not required. In addition, you do not have to use your real name to register, just a name you will recognize so we can check you in at the door.